Working with MJS Partnership
We stand out by delivering tailored solutions that address the unique needs of each client, ensuring sustainable growth and competitive edge.
In 2024, MJS Partnership was invited by Wallacespace to review how the sales function operated and ensure that the business could prosper still as clients adapted to new and more flexible ways of working and other constraints.
MJS Partnership worked hand-in-glove with the senior management to review and improve the way the sales team was structured, the way it worked, including systems and, and how members were incentivised to be their best.
MJS Partnership helped diagnose and design solutions to these challenges so the team could start 2025 in the best possible way.
This included
Case Study
Reorganising the way clients are tracked and prioritised - spanning geography, sector, historical value versus current spend, and more
Focusing the sales team’s efforts to deliver the best ‘return on effort’ through improved use of Wallace Space’s CRM system
Restructuring and changing the incentivisation process for the team, with a clear paths to promotion, additional training & LND opportunities, and more.
“Fast-feedback” loops to review and focus activities and success, through transparent and accountable weekly reporting to the Board.
Consequently the sales team has a sharper and clearer focus for its activities, and the Board has more visibility on performance and pipeline. The changes were implemented quickly and 2025 started well, with the promise of more to come for Wallacespace.
“I’ve known Jo Sellick for years and watched him build his business from a few people in one office to the powerhouse that it is now. We saw him first hand working hard & smart. He was rigorous and successful and he’d built a great team around him.
When we wanted some of that focus, we called Jo. He helped us review and improve the way our sales team was structured. We wanted a sounding board and a sanity check: How did you do it? What worked for you and why? What are we doing well, less well and what should we change? Why & how? What have we missed? What are the implications of?........
Working closely with Jo gave us the knowledge and confidence we needed. In a challenging and changing business world, we were able to move forward with focus, pace and direction. You were a great help. Thanks Jo”
Renata Wallace
Wallacespace: London – St Pancras, Spitalfields, Covent Garden, Clerkenwell Green